Penis Punctuation
penis punctuation Just a nun, picking some penis for lunch. Yes, yes, I know. The title is click-baity to get people reading. But it’s true. There is phallic-based punctuation. I mean, a mark looking like a penis, and deliberately being called so. But let’s begin at the beginning. In classical times, there was no such thing as […]
Book Review of a Book on Books
book review of a book on books I’ve got a long list of books on books to get through, but started with one for the general audience, The Book, by Keith Houston (who also wrote a book on punctuation, also for the public). I wasn’t exactly blown away by his punctuation book for reasons I’m still […]
The McLuhan Galaxy: Punctuation as Massage
the mcluhan galaxy: punctuation as massage Last week, I was thinking about punctuation that is authorial and punctution that is editorial, trying to argue that the former does not necessarily take precedent over the latter in the understanding and appreciation of a literary piece of work. This led me to re-read McKenzie’s lectures on the sociology of […]
‘A sad hand at your punctuation’: If writer’s don’t care, why should we?
‘A sad hand at your punctuation’: if writers don’t care, why should we? When I lived in Scotland while doing my PhD, I once threw a 90s music party for which people were asked to come dressed in what that era requires: garish make-up, pigtails, baggy shirts, large loud patterns. My flatmates didn’t believe it […]
‘Adorned with Sculptures’ – Book Illustration Through the Centuries
I have several files on several devices entitled ‘pretty pictures’. That is, early modern pictures. Lots of these are paintings, some manuscript illuminations, and some from printed books. I have to admit: I’ve never really thought about what the differences between them are, how they were made, how to tell the one kind from another. […]