women in love

 ~Reading Women, Writing Women ~

For thousands of years, love poetry has been written by men for women. For hundreds of years, that’s what students learn at school and university, and what we read on cards or in poetry collections. That story is a lie.

Women have always loved. Women have always longed. And they have also always expressed those feelings in poetry. Only that we don’t get to hear about it. Many women did not put their name to their works. Often, a female name would have consigned the text to oblivion. Today, still, lyrics written by women remain under-studied at best and belittled at worst.

In this course, we will examine one or two poems per session, poems about love (and everything around it) written by women. We will explore the lyrics, and use them as springboards for writing exercises inspired by the texts. You will learn about the lives and cultures of a wide-range of writing women, including queer poets and non-white writers across hundreds of years. You will acquire analytical close-reading skills and tap into your own creativity through poetry. We interpret poems together, so please be aware that you may be asked what you think. There will be opportunities to share your writing, but it’s not a must.

Fall in love with women in love! Get inspired & start writing…

Nota bene:

You will get to know amazing women poets and their life contexts, sharpen your eye for detail, explore your emotions through words of others and yourself, and be inspired by the texts we read.

The writing exercises we do follow on from the poems. Sometimes, they will be focussed on crafting something like a poem ourselves, sometimes they will encourage a freer engagement with words, themes, and structures.

These are free-flowing poetry interpretation and writing sessions for anybody who likes reading and writing. No need to be an expert, to ever have read a poem, or to ever have done writing before — come as you are!


*Saturday, 18 Feb onwards for 8 weeks

*live on Saturdays at noon at my cosy apartment in the city centre

*online upon request

*duration: 60-90 minutes

*capped at 8 people

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